2025 7-District Budget Dashboard in Pictures Part Two: Administrative and Legal Costs
Administration, Support Services and Legal Services Per Pupil Cost Break Down for Berkeley Heights, Chatham, New Providence, Summit, Millburn, Madison, and Westfield
Part Two of our effort to break down the 7-District Budget Dashboard to help residents of Berkeley Heights, Chatham, New Providence, Summit, Millburn, Madison, and Westfield provide more informed feedback to their Boards of Education during the upcoming budget process.
Support Services: General and School Administration
Berkeley Heights, despite a slight reduction in General Admin Support per pupil costs from 2023, remains among the highest in this category. This year, Madison joins the top tier after experiencing a significant cost increase.
Chatham experienced a notable decrease in School Admin Support per-pupil costs, while Summit saw a corresponding increase. Although Westfield experienced a slight increase, it remained the lower per pupil spend in the category.
Summit, Westfield and Chatham experienced the largest per pupil cost in Central Services with New Providence having the lowest per pupil spend.
Administrative IT and Legal Spend
Berkeley Heights saw the largest per-pupil increase in Administrative IT costs—possibly due to an expensive ID scanner purchase. New Providence continues to lead in per-pupil spending, while Summit remains at the lower end.
The benefits to getting rid of Cleary, Giacobbe, Alfieri, Jacobs last year has delivered huge benefits to Berkeley Heights, one of them being a lower per-pupil cost in legal services. Madison is the top per-pupil spend in this area and New Providence shows a significant increase.