Without many in the community realizing it, the school they graduated from, Columbia Middle School had its mascot changed from the Tiger to the Highlander. It was done late last school year by the new principal, Mr. Kobliska, who was handed a survey done by the previous principal, under the former Superintendent Melissa Varley. At the announcement of the mascot change, everyone in the school was shocked and disappointed.
In early March, Serena Gabara, 8th grader, signed off on Daily Announcements with, "Make it a Great Day, Tigers!"
It did not go over well with the principal, who, unexpectedly called her into his office the next day. He showed her a survey of 61 participants, about 50 of whom supposedly wanted the change.
Serena then found 300+ who wanted to be a Tiger again.
This decision should never have been made without public input. There Tiger has been part of our town's culture and history for more than a half a decade, possibly since the schools inception.
Almost 40 years ago, a graduating class bought the Tiger sign out front. The annual Tiger drawing contest for the front of the yearbook is no more
There will be costs to repaint the building with the Highlander Red and Blue and sanding off the beloved Tiger from the gym floor.
She had met with the principal a second time, a couple of days later to show her list of about 200 signatures in favor of being a Tiger again. He didn't act.
She got an additional 100 signatures while she waited until Mrs Varley left on March 18, thinking the superintendent was the road block. Mr. Kobliska did nothing.
She emailed the new acting Superintendent Nixon. He emailed back, explaining he was not superintendent at the time, and offered to talk to the principal.
She showed up at the BOE meeting April 8 to ask the Board to influence the two men.
She came to the BOE meeting April 10 to how things were going. The Board, and Mr. Mixon listened to a list of comments taken from Facebook posts. Every single one was of shock and/or anger. (There was a couple of comments wondering why this is an issue now) No comments were in favor of the Highlander as the new Mascot.
Late April 14, she email Mr. Mixon asking how things were going, cc-ing all with whom she was in communication. Ms. Bradford responded saying she will talk to administration.
Serena came to the April 15 meeting, and found out that no one in the administration or Board had discussed this issue yet.
Mr. Nixon told her at the April 15 meeting, that he will talk to Mr. Kobliska this week.
With the large number alumni, staff and students, to think such a decision like this is based on the response of only 61 people is unbelievable.
It is just so sad.